Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Sun in September, your having a laugh!?

It's been a fairly average few days, uni briefs have been set - which, might I add are relatively good this year, I'll elaborate on these more when I know what I'm doing for them. Loans have come through for most and I've finally caught up on my sleep!
Imagine my surprise when I awoke today to see it was genuinely sunny. I've known for a while there had been rumors that we were due to experience heatwaves but because it's England and I live up north, no chance.  Here is my quick beer garden outfit of the day ;)
Top Newlook
Shorts Topshop
Cardi H&M
I've been meaning to go uni shopping since early September, but have become scared of doing so due to my usual tendencies to a) buy things I don't need, b) spend more than my "weekly allowance" and c) my annoying habit of should I, shouldn't I attitude causing me to be in a shop for a unhumane amount of time. But with today being as immense as it was who could say no? By 3pm I was already in a beer garden with my work mate drinking a pint - don't ask me why I don't usually drink them. After consuming our refreshing beverage(s) we headed into town. I don't know about anyone else but in my hometown shops shut at about 6pm most days excluding Sundays , especially when the students are back, not in Huddersfield the musics cut out by 5:15, one door shut/shutters half descending by 5:20 and that's your lot until tomorrow. So we had exactly one hour to sprint round town and that is when I found this beaut:
I know so many people have this bag, I'm assuming you may have too but it was in the sale for £4 in Primark, I don't tend to shop in Primark but who can refuse?
With my new uni journals being A5 this little gem is the prefect size for everything I need and I suggest everyone should have a cute bag such as this one. It's great for the day/night and can be accessorized with a scarf tied round the handle. I did buy some shoes but i'm not sure about them, so if I decide to keep them I will be sure to post about them :)

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