Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Another year...another freshers!

The new academic year is due to start any day and with the new first years moving into Storthes and Aspley halls, it's a perfect opportunity to take advantage of the partying before knuckling down with my second year of uni! With my boyfriend being a Dj at one of Huddersfield's events and (for once) not working when my uni friends had planned a night out - I had no excuse but to "glam" myself up and head on out! Unluckily the previous day I woke up to the glorious first snivels of a cold...headachey, blocked nose and a sore throat you could grate a block of cheese on - for once in my life I had no concoctions curtesy of Mamma.T to help the situation. So in my attempt to "man-up" or rather hope and prey it wasn't a cold after all I stupidly didn't venture into town to spend a ridiculous amount of money on cold relief. The next day I had a cheeky 4 hour shift at work, working on the chilled section - 6am start might I add! Realizing that unfortunately I did have a cold after work, I headed to the bus station to travel to my other job - only to find out I wasn't actually at River Island :| I headed to the nearest chemist and literally picked up everything in sight for colds...cold capsules, vitamin C - the chewy ones kids tend to have - ha! the list goes on! luckily my lovely other half came to pick me up and I curled in bed after tucking into cheese on toast in the hope I would survive in time for our late night adventure later on that night!

With the night we were attending being a UV theme it was a prefect opportunity to wear my new turquoise bodycon skirt from topshop with a simple white top in theory making me glow like a jellyfish as soon as I was under the lights! So after spending nearly two hours getting ready, baring in mind I was making/drinking hot water, lemon and  honey as my pre-drinks I headed out the door boyfriends hoody and ENORMOUS scarf on, ready to party! I may have looked ridiculous, but knowing the Dj's is rather good when it comes to storing clothing and umbrellas plus as all the other girls were freezing in the que I was as snug as a bug in my oversizd hoody that pretty much reached my feet (yes I'm 5ft nothing) After queuing for what felt like a lifetime, we were in and let loose to dance the night away, drink responsibly and forget that in a matter of days we would be sat in our lectures discussing briefs and placements. 

Top - Matalan about a year ago ;)
Skirt - £23.00 Topshop


Ring (left) New Look
Ring (Middle & right) Miss selfridge
Bracelet was a birthday prezzy of my beloved Nat-nat

So without further ado, I am going to have a good ol' lemsip layer up with my Pj's and snuggle in bed and with any luck will be snivel free by tomorrow :)


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